Journey of Fat to Fit

“Failure is the key to success”

Maybe you have seen or heard line many times but I have experienced it and it was an amazing experience. Today, I am sharing that experience and Journey of Fat to Fit with you all.

The moment that changed my life was at 08:00 P.M. On 24th May 2012 when I saw the results of my 12th. Everything just stopped. It was a tough thing to accept. First few minutes I wanted someone to wake me up from this bizarre dream. Then for a week afterward, I just thought. I thought how many seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years I’ve wasted from this valuable life.

“Failure builds a new character”

During that time I was 110 Kg short tempered, couch potato who used to watch TV, playing computer games, eat and sleep all the time. During those times I used to think only I am living the life. Everyone is just wasting it. But now when I think about those days I realize that it was so horrible.

It is difficult to survive when you are carrying 110 KG with you. Some people around you criticize you, make fun of you, tease you like you are a showpiece in their showcase while some people give you advice and motivational speeches but trust me it doesn’t make a difference at all. Motivational speeches and advice never worked for me. The only thing worked was the “failure”.

1st June I started working on the subject which I hated most. I got a good mentor who helped me a lot to improve my skills. Few days passed and now the most hated subject become most lovable subject. With this all things after few days for the first time in my life I went for jogging it was very difficult in the beginning but by doing it regularly it was habitual. Again few days passed and I started jogging 2 times in a day with 6 hours of study. I was following strict diet by eating the vegetables I never tasted. But now I was having fun doing those activities.

“21 days challenge”

It is scientifically proven that if you do the same activity for 21 days, it will be your habit on the 22nd day. First 15 to 20 days were very difficult due to sudden change like waking up at 5 A.M., jogging, studying after that, exercising and jogging again. But on the 22nd day, I woke up without the alarm. I used to love pizza. But for few days I broke up with it. Just take 21 days challenge. If I can do you can do too. All you need is a strong willpower.

Finally, after 2 months, the reward I got was surprisingly amazing. I got the great results in the 12th remedial and lost 10 Kg which I never expected. This motivated me and in the next 2 months, I dropped another 20 Kg. Those 2 months were the most important months of my life. I learned and experienced so many life lessons. Since those days my success rate and happiness have only moved upwards.

All the credit goes to “failure”.

Now I am totally a new character crafted by “failure”.

Thank You.


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